Saturday, August 1, 2009

3 Level of IPT Girl

Today, i had class with En Nordin... At the class, he talk about three level of IPT's (Higher Level Institution) girl... He similirize the girl with the library system..

1. Red Spot Girl
- At the library, these type of "books" are hard to get and has it's special condition. This is during thier first semester...

2. Open Shelf Girl
- When they come to second year, they just like Open Shelf book where user can borrow them. That's mean, they more open that before.

3. Megazine
- When they nearly to finish thier study but still doesnt have any partner, they become like MEGAZINE!!

:) I dont know is it right or not.. juz sharing.. :)


Saturday, August 1, 2009

3 Level of IPT Girl

Today, i had class with En Nordin... At the class, he talk about three level of IPT's (Higher Level Institution) girl... He similirize the girl with the library system..

1. Red Spot Girl
- At the library, these type of "books" are hard to get and has it's special condition. This is during thier first semester...

2. Open Shelf Girl
- When they come to second year, they just like Open Shelf book where user can borrow them. That's mean, they more open that before.

3. Megazine
- When they nearly to finish thier study but still doesnt have any partner, they become like MEGAZINE!!

:) I dont know is it right or not.. juz sharing.. :)

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